We are living in a culture where we are all becoming increasingly time conscious. I speak to friends, colleagues and candidates and everyone seems to feel the same. The weeks are flashing by and everyone is in a hurry; whether it be cramming a 6am gym class in before the working day begins or running errands on a lunch break. On top of this, as technology is constantly evolving, there is a more of a need than ever for transactional services with companies like Amazon offering same-day or next-day delivery.
Technology for recruitment companies is also evolving and we are seeing more and more online job sites appearing, aiming to quicken the recruitment process. Since the average person will spend 90,000 hours at work over their lifetime, at Lily Shippen we truly believe that it is an important experience and one that is worth taking the time to get right.
At Lily Shippen we meet every candidate that we work with, on both a temporary and permanent basis. This is important for our clients as it’s part of our vetting process, however it’s equally, if not more important for our candidates as we are then able to speak to them about relevant job opportunities and offer them a personal and tailored service.
Matching personalities with certain working cultures plays a large part in secretarial recruitment and so if you are looking for a new job in the secretarial field, we would strongly recommend you choose agencies that want to take the time to meet with you and get to know you. Despite most agencies now offering to meet candidates over various technology platforms including FaceTime, WhatsApp or Skype, it does have limitations as well as advantages. Taking the time to meet face-to-face is always preferred and in our opinion, is where long term relationships are formed.
Another advantage in meeting your recruitment agency face-to-face is that they are then able to tailor the interview preparation to you as an individual. Whether you feel you are an interview pro or have never interviewed before, meeting in person enables your recruiter to recognise the interview preparation you may require, setting you up to succeed.
At Lily Shippen we are constantly working on ways to improve our customer journey and our candidates coming to meet us in our offices in Manchester or London plays an important part of that. According to Walker Info, fast forward to the year of 2020 and customers will be more informed and in charge of the experience they receive. They will expect companies to know their individual needs and personalise the experience. By coming in to meet with our team we aim to do just that and you can be assured that your time will be invested wisely.