As we make our way into December, the year feels like it’s all but over. With the nights getting darker, days getting colder, and social gatherings becoming more frequent, there’s much that could make you inclined to leave the job search until the new year. But there are a few good reasons why that shouldn’t be the case. Kickstarting your job search in December can put you at a serious advantage when other candidates may be getting left behind.
Although most hiring is done earlier in the year, December is a great time to put your CV forward. Working within secretarial recruitment, we see many companies using up their budgets in December and getting their team lined up for the start of January. Therefore, putting yourself forward for as many roles as possible in December will put you in the optimum position to be on the receiving end of this spending.
The chances are, you’re not alone in feeling a desire to wind down at the end of the year, putting your job search on hold for a period. The fact that others are likely to be feeling the same way allows you to get yourself ahead. Through applying for roles over the Christmas period, you show dedication in persistence and put yourself in the spotlight.
January is also far more competitive for candidates as many wait until then to get their job search in gear. December, on the other hand, is far quieter, meaning companies have more time to interview. By getting yourself in early, you’re increasing your chances by going for roles against far fewer people at a time when companies have more time to see you.
It’s well-known that temp roles are far more popular over the Christmas period. However, it’s usually forgotten that these temp roles often turn into permanent roles. Within secretarial recruitment last year, we saw a high conversion rate for companies turning temps into permanent staff, even when these roles weren’t initially signed off as such. Therefore, temping in December can provide a great opportunity for candidates to shine and earn themselves a permanent role when they may not have got the chance, in other circumstances.
You can also take advantage of the downtime. While remaining comfortable and warm inside, you can use the time to update your CV or LinkedIn to keep your profile as current as possible.
As a secretarial recruitment agency, Lily Shippen are placing people throughout the year, and especially December. Although Manchester has a lot of fun to offer this time of year, it’s also an excellent time to kickstart your job search and find a role for you before 2019.